VAZ 2109 began to demand a oil valve, and black smoke wilted from the exhaust pipe?
Most likely, oil -shooting caps became unusable, and, therefore, the time has come to replace them.
This operation, in principle, does not require high qualifications of the performer and the only requirement for the master is to have an idea of the principle of the ICE, and of course, attentiveness, and accuracy.
Replacing oil -welding caps VAZ 2109 is made without removing the cylinder heads from the block.
You should prepare a bar of soft metal, tin is best suited, not more than 8-9 millimeters with a diameter. After you need to remove the terminals from the battery and disconnect the mass wire from the block. Remove the air filter, the ignition distributor and the gas pump . Next, dismantle the valve lid, having previously disconnected the cables of the throttle and suction, as well as the crankcase ventilation hoses.
Remove the belt of the gas distribution mechanism and dismantle the drive gear pulley. Unscrew the fastening bolts and remove the two camshaft. Carefully remove the camshaft, after making sure that the key will not fall off the groove, if there is suspicion, we take it off.
Important! The camshaft should not be placed in order to avoid its fall, as it is a high -precision part and during the fall may become unusable.
We unscrew the spark plugs, set the piston of the 1st cylinder to the position of the upper point and inserting a slightly bent tin rod into the candle hole, set the pulp for reasoning the valves with the base in the plate of the spring, and the lever we fasten the camshaft bed. Further, having groped the end of the valve with the end of the tin bar, we fix it with the bottom of the piston. By clicking on the lever of the puller – we divert the plate of the valve spring and take out the crackers with a special magnetic device. If there is no device at hand, then you can use the usual tweezers. Remove the reasonant and take out a plate, both springs, an adjusting puck and a pusher.
Now you can start dismantling old caps.
We put on a special tsanly device and with one blow of the hammer we remove the cap. If there is no such tool in your arsenal, it does not matter either – you can use the round -liners, or just with two screwdrivers. But it should be borne in mind that after such a barbaric removal, the cap is already definitely not using. It should also be known that the guide of the valve sleeve, on which the cap is put on, is made of fragile metal metal, therefore, removing the cap without a zanovic device, it is necessary to show increased accuracy.
By picking up a mandrel of suitable diameter – we insert a cap into it, having previously removed the sealing spring from it to avoid damage to it and lubricated with engine oil. Install the cap on the seat with light hammer blows . We put on a spring – and you can collect the valve block in order. reverse disassembly. We also act with the valves of the 4th cylinder, after which we turn the crankshaft 180 degrees and do the same procedures for 2-3 cylinders. Next, we collect everything in the reverse order and do not forget to adjust the thermal gap to adjust.
On this work on the replacement of oil -welded caps VAZ 2109, completed.