To restore the building, building or house, it is not enough to carry out basic cosmetic repairs (although sometimes it really is enough). A choice will appear before an individual or legal entity: replacement, restoration or reconstruction. First of all, it is worth conducting a construction examination. In general, there are companies that conduct a pre-system examination (they call it express expertise). This is an examination that allows you to obtain a building permit, and it is more related to documents and work with regulatory authorities. You may need such an examination to restore, however, you need another examination to fully evaluate the construction before repair or reconstruction, or rather a technical examination of the building (it is also called construction examination). Masters must check the bearing abilities and t. p.
When you evaluate the existing building, you will have to choose what you will do with it: repair the type of replacement, repair the type of recovery or repair by the type of reconstruction. The difference between all this is very high (including the price difference).
Repair replacement involves a banal replacement of damaged parts for what will restore their functions and appearance. In this option, you do not have to put the same thing as it was. You can well remove everything that you do not need and put in this place what you want. Moreover, you can generally demolish the building and build a new. The replacement type repair option can cost you the cheaper and most expensive (it all depends on how you will act). Sometimes, such an option is impossible, due to the historical and cultural value of the structure.
The restoration of the building is duplication of the damaged elements of the building as close as possible analogue. You do not change the layout and generally try to save the maximum from what you can save. Sometimes recovery is combined with a replacement. There are many examples when designers retain the old buildings as much as possible, but completely destroyed elements do not restore or reconstruct – they simply put in their place visually noticeable, modern alternatives. For example, a modern large glass door is installed on the building of the Victorian era. This is often done so as not to confuse the old and new – so that everyone can see what happened and that it was not possible to restore. Restoration is also not suitable for many objects of historical and cultural heritage (but, sometimes, allowed).
Reconstruction involves a full analysis of the building (the study of its materials up to their exact chemical composition; the study of the history of the construction and history of builders and architects who are responsible for the original; obtaining the characteristics of people who lived or used the building for whom it was built). Based on the information received, the building is trying to recreate – they do not change anything, but, on the contrary, they try to make every pebble the same (in composition, in appearance, etc. p.). For the reconstruction of buildings, high -level professionals are hired: architects, artists, historians, laboratories, etc. p.