Alien among their own or the problem of communication between men and women at work
Life in the office is very multifaceted. We must take into account the fact that there, at the workplace, we spend a fairly large amount of time, and relations with colleagues will certainly become one of the components of your life. There is an opinion that the atmosphere in the men’s team and female is radically different. Is it so? Is it worth it to be afraid of men to poke their nose into the office, where mostly employees are girls? Of course, there are opposite situations if, for example, a woman works surrounded by men. How different floors successfully and harmoniously work together, we will now explain.
“Male” and “female” team: reality or fiction?
Firstly, the concept of “male team”, as well as female, of course, is not an official term. The predominance of one gender over the other can turn out to be purely by accident, according to the staffing table and set of employees.
Secondly, such a factor as the specifics of the work affects. We are used to the fact that for the most part men work for the most part, and women are working as medical workers. Thanks to this factor, you can predict in advance who you will have to communicate with.
Many people confirm that it is more difficult to work among women. Oddly enough, the women themselves adhere to this opinion.
Man and his “harem”
How to relate to a situation where a man likes at work is among women? Psychologists say that such situations take place. The reason for this is flattery. Yes, of course, a man, especially if he is the only representative among employees, will be seduced by female attention. Often he even sees flirting and courtship from young employees. But on this the whole charm of such an environment disappears.
What is it connected with? Just among purely female psychological characteristics there is a feature of “speculation”. That is, a woman is able to “finish”, “think over” the actions of her colleagues, even if they were with ordinary or secretive. So, “putting your eyes” on a beautiful and successful man who appeared in your office, you will subconsciously control his actions. Any, even the most innocent, gesture towards your colleague will make your mood deteriorate.
A feature of the female team is the increased amount of information that women express. This fact is already well-known: a woman uses more words to stated something than representatives of the strong half of humanity. And this concerns not only the presentation of professional information, but also generally talking. Moreover, most often conversations between women – colleagues arise spontaneously, for example, one of them can mention her husband, and a conversation will have a conversation to discuss men in general.
Another scenario is possible: women are easily manipulated by a man, especially when it comes to an inexperienced young employee. Here, a person himself must catch that line, stepping through which he will turn from a professional in his work into just a man who performs hard work, but not developing professionally.
Features of the male team
Women who have settled for “men’s work” can also indicate several signs inherent in the men’s team. One of these signs is also conversations, only they will be purely male and rather specific, for example, about cars, batteries for them.
With the advent of in such a team, women try to behave more decent and more culturally: the number of non -normative vocabulary is reduced, men try not to smoke in the room. Moreover, most men like this discipline.
Some women are upset that men are in no hurry to accept them as professionals. So that they recognize her, she must show her skills and skills doubly. But men were lucky in this regard – they practically do not have to bother themselves to join the women’s team.
If a man was able to become a boss, then his attitude to him will be completely different. It will be perceived very well as a benefactor. Often men play the role of a certain balancing factor in an emotional female company, helping to focus at work.
So it is necessary to make the men remain in the team and work successfully? To achieve this goal, you must be able to build a professional relationship. It will be a mistake if a man at work in every way protect from the performance of men’s work and from the assignment of a fraction of responsibility on him, doing something for him. Observe the distance, then it will be possible to make equal professional relations.
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