All clothing is divided into household class and production class. The production of the production class has a division into the following 4 groups: working, departmental, technological and special. Each group has its own purpose and its own quality standards. General -purpose work clothes are used in areas of activity where protection against pollution and minor mechanical damage is required, most often used in professions as train driver, operator of various equipment, handying and more. Clothing related to the departmental group is developed and produced as a form for civilian specialties, for example, for employees of the railway area of activity, communications or civil aviation. The technological group is used for workers employees in the field of high -precision production.
The most extensive and common group of industrial clothing is overalls. Its purpose is the protection of the employee from the influence of negative and dangerous factors in the process of his activity. This group is used in more than 40 types of production and industrial activities, as well as in shipbuilding, mechanical engineering and metalworking industry. All protective indicators and determination of the mandatory use of workwear are determined in accordance with special industry standards that regulate the mandatory use of workwear for 740 types of production activities.
Differences in workwear on protective properties
Each type of special clothing on the label indicates a marking that indicates certain properties of protection or a specific purpose of application. This can be a general, moisture -proof, acid -protective, from radioactive influence, oil fluid, anti -frying, electrical protective or thermal protective purpose. In addition, special equipment is used with almost all types of workwear, it can be protective glasses in Moscow, gloves and special shoes. For welding work to protect the face, a welder mask is used without fail.
The release of special products, including trousers, jackets, overalls, raincoats, hats and much more occurs according to pre -compiled and approved documentation. Each industry provides for an individual type of workwear. Typically, during low temperatures, insulated overalls are supposed, as well as depending on the climatic zone of the region, it is discharged for a specific period of socks. It is worth noting that workwear and overalls of general purpose have the same function of protecting the human body from various pollution and minor mechanical damage, but the difference is in the form of their implementation. So production work clothes are sold through retail chains, and workwear is issued in accordance with the production standards.
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