Absolutely all construction companies are mandatory propose to pay a certain amount in payment of work. They usually go to the purchase of some building materials necessary for the construction.
Typically, such an advance payment does not much exceed a quarter of the cost of the “box” of the building. However, some of the firms are strive to receive up to 60% of the payment, arguing this with sharp need to purchase at once all consumables: Brick, sand, paintwork materials of excellent quality, stove, wallpaper … depending on what and how they will build.
And if, at the same time, this amount is taken from the total contract value of the structure according to the estimate, then you should think about whether it is necessary to conclude a similar agreement. After making the first part of the payment of this kind, builders are so that they offer to pay the remaining amount with shares, without connecting the stages of payment with the performance of work. In this case, it will certainly be difficult for you to somehow affect the construction process and indicate the shortcomings, if ANY. Always remember this rule: if the contractor received money, then he disappears a special interest in this amount. Here we are not even talking about honesty, but directly about interest. It is very good when this notorious interest in the working process is backed up by money that has not yet been received. By the way, it is thanks to the zeal of builders that outstanding houses are obtained.
The agreement must be attached to the contract, the previously agreed schedule, which reflects the production and prescribes the financial side of construction and installation works. These documents must certainly be interconnected. And they will not be needed at all to observe tedious formalities. Using these papers, you can not only control the construction work, but also pay only what has already been done.