The timing of the study and fixation of the duration of the repeated elements of the operation by direct observation in the workplace. With its help, the repeated elements of the main and auxiliary work of the Contractor are investigated. It is also used to accurately determine the costs of the car time by elements of cyclic performance, idle unshakable operation and cyclic peg -iron breaks. The timing is possible with the repeatability of the work and elements of its main and auxiliary time in the same order, t. e. cyclicity. The main goal of the timing:
establishing the normal duration of elements of the main and auxiliary time to create regulatory materials;
verification of the established norm and the correctness of the designed technological process or identifying the reasons for non -fulfillment of the norms;
studying the methods of work of advances in order to disseminate the experience of their work;
Studying the possibility of a more rational organization of the workplace based on a change in the content and procedure for performing individual techniques and movements of the corresponding operation.
Before proceeding with the timing, the observer must familiarize himself in detail with the technological process, the rules for the technical operation of the equipment and its condition, all the features of the work being studied, the organization of the workplace, etc. p. The goals of the upcoming timing are informed by workers.
Prior to the observation, the degree of dismissal of the operation is established for individual elements for measuring their duration and fixing points (distinct signs showing the moments of the beginning and end of the elements) are selected. The operation should be divided into elements, the duration of which is measured without significant difficulties. The more often the repeatability of the operation or the reception, the greater the degree of their crushing.
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