During the operation of the car, scuffs, scratches and matte areas are formed on the surface of the glasses. The reason for this may be the grains of sandwriters and dirt, the wear of the brushes and so on. These defects violate the transparency of the glass and prevent the driver from concentrating during movement, tire their eyes and, as a result, cause stressful states.It is a mistake to think that all kinds of scratches and points on the windshield can be used to and not notice them. It is scientifically proven that with visual tension the general condition of the body worsens, irritability and distraction appear. The constant feeling of discomfort experienced by the driver can lead to a decrease in his vigilance and the creation of an emergency situation.
Therefore, for the safety of road traffic, it is necessary to eliminate defects on the windshield in a timely manner. This procedure will also help return the original appearance to the car in case of preparation for sale.
Work on the polishing of glass takes from 2 to 4 hours and is carried out in three stages:
preparation (glass cleaning);
The final sink of glasses.
Before starting work, you need to determine the degree of damage to the glasses.
If there are even small chips, they must be repaired, otherwise when heated during polishing, the glass may crack.
The easiest way to remove small scuffs from the janitors from the windshield. When polishing the glass, a slight layer is removed, so the danger of the effect of the “lens” and distortion is absent.
For work, you will need: a polishing machine (or a drill) with a speed of 1200-1700 per minute, a felt polishing circle, a mandrel with a “Velcro” for its fastening, polishing powder. Stock up also with paper wipes covering the film, liquid for washing glasses, painting tape, marker, spray gun and overalls.
Wash the car and in the process of work follow cleanliness. Beware of dust and grains of sand and a felt circle, otherwise it will only add new scratches.
Dilute 80-150 gr. Powder with tap water to a pasty state. Fasten the mandrel in a drill or a polishing machine. Attach a felt circle to the surface of the mandrel. Pick up water into a spray gun. Now you can start polishing.
Apply a little pasta to the felt circle and rub it on glass on an area of 30×30 cm. Then turn on the drill (or machine) and gradually move the polishing circle along the intended area. Constantly spray the glass with water, avoiding drying the polishes and overheating of the processed surface. The angle between the surface of the glass and the mandrel should not exceed 5 °. After the first square is polished, proceed to the next. Try not to miss the areas and excessively put pressure on the grinding machine.
After processing the entire damaged surface, wipe the glass with a napkin and check the quality of the work. If the matte remains, continue the polishing.
At the end, remove the film, wash the glass and remove the marker traces with alcohol.
Thus, polishing on its own is an economical option for restoring the transparency of the car glasses and a guarantee of your safety driving.