A decrease in speed restrictions cannot single -handedly give the desired effect of reducing traffic intensity on the roads. Currently, in places with particular need, for example, in residential areas or points where children often walk or an accident occur, in addition to speed restrictions, the organization of other road soothing measures is required, which will not only stimulate, but force drivers to reduce speed to the required limit.
1. Artificial road bumps (lying policemen)
Artificial irregularities on roads are used to slow down vehicles. They are suitable for residential areas, but traditional lying police officers are not acceptable on bus routes. There are also artificial irregularities in the form of elevated areas. You can read more about the IDN on the Nestmash website. Bestmash LLC company is engaged in the production and installation of bedridled police officers.
2. The width of the road
Localized expansion or construction of the sidewalk can narrow the road itself and slow down traffic. Reducing the distance for transport and increasing the pedestrian area, you can improve visibility for a pedestrian that crosses the road. The car for the passage of cars can be narrowed to the possibility of one -sided movement and at the expense of it you can even create a parking area.
3. Road narrows
Using islands and road markings can create the impression of a narrower road and lead to a decrease in speed.
4. Pedestrian crossings and road signs
Installation of road signs and pedestrian crossings can additionally signal the driver about the need to reduce speed.
5. Parking ban
If you use the parking prohibitions with caution, they can help manage traffic. Parking restriction time can also allow to improve the road transport situation in a particular city zone.
6. Installation of interactive equipment
Interactive radars that in real time take a picture of a machine that exceeds speed can help quite well in traffic management.