The environment with ecology in our cities is such that most residents are seriously thinking about moving around the city for a long residence.
Even the cold in winter is not scared, and they do not stop if a high -quality capital independent repair is seized in the house.
And therefore, most summer residents and owners of houses outside the city, in addition to the art of cultivating fruits and vegetables, breeding colors and planting seedlings in parallelly master the art of conducting good quality repair in a summer cottage personally.
In the same buildings where there is no long residence, and in winter they do not heat up, the repair must be done much more often, in fact, every spring. We have just such a case, and for every cosmetic summer cottage, I prepare in advance.
I harvest glue for wallpaper, a wallpaper roll, for plaster that has fallen, putty for work indoors, oil -based paint, brush and early spring food to the country. I carefully examine all residential premises and, of course, find objects for the repair of the cottage with my own hands.
Internal country repairs with your own hands
In many places during the winter, trellises moved away from a sudden temperature difference. If this happened in the middle of the wall, then in the middle of the departed part I perform a longitudinal section, then you need to squeeze the trellises and smear with glue. I’m waiting a little while the glue is absorbed into the paper, and I press all the parts back to my own place. The incision is actually not noticeable. I spend a similar procedure in the corners if they have peel off. In this version, I make a cut straight in the very center of the corner, and glue each wall separately. Similarly, I spend repairs of the cottage with my own hands in all rooms.
Then I make diagnosis of surfaces covered with plaster, and find the places where the plaster has cracked, or completely disappeared. These places must be cleaned, and we apply a new plaster layer. For this purpose, a finished putty for work inside is perfect. Cosmetic repairs should be made to the whole house in the summer cottage, and then start inspection of a house of wood from wood.
Repairing a house of wood from wood
I immediately emphasize that it is difficult. You can recall the case of ordinary cracks in the planks and a small replacement of broken parts. But if the damage is more important, then the spoiled board is better to immediately change.
For a slight repair of the skin, I need a chisel that is resistant to water, an adhesive applicable for wood, a hammer with nails, and for any fire case, a new plank and an oil -based paint. So, I renew the country repairs with inspection of wood sheathing, at home. Having found a broken or cracked section of the plank, it must be carefully placed with a chisel, and apply an adhesive to the edge of the damaged piece. After I put the broken part in the old place and fix it well with a nail. The nail hat needs to be drowned below the plane of the plank, after this place you need to put it and paint over with paint. If, for example, damage is such that it is necessary to replace the entire plank, then with the help of a lever you need to take the satison from the wall, and cut the fasteners. After the board I change to another, and paint it in old color. By the way, I used a jigsaw in the repair, which is very convenient, I chose on this site