The calculation of metal structures is carried out in accordance with the requirements of construction standards and standards. This stage is the key in preparing permission for production and installation work. Engineers and appraisers are guided by various forms in the preparation of reports. It is important to consider that other specialists will have to familiarize themselves with the documents, therefore, even in the absence of a specific algorithm for drawing up calculations, it is necessary to adhere to a certain logic, structural availability and completeness of the source data. This will ensure unhindered passage of materials through controlling authorities, will allow the most accurately as possible estimates and determine the project for compliance with building requirements
The recommendations of specialists such as employees of the project Bureau of the PPK Green Helminer LLC plant are that it is necessary to prepare a calculation, which excludes the need to find additional tabular or actual materials. Moreover, the main requirement remains the logical structure and orderliness of information. The metal structures of the company are designed and calculated according to such principles for many years. For all this period, no complaints were received by expert commissions or other departments of the enterprise. The convenient structure provides a subject dialogue with their representatives, without spending working resources on the search for the desired sections or values.
For each specific project, it is necessary to draw up calculations based on specific engineering solutions and conditions at the construction site. Mandatory is the presence of a signed technical task and a report on loads, including certificates from the main inter -regional center of Rosstat, a description of weather and climatic conditions, as well as the landscape of the area. Engineers and experts should also knowly be informed about the assumption of permissible loads on the frame from steel profiles.
The calculation of the structure and drawings of individual modules should be included in the calculation. Metal structures are mounted from many separate beams, so the size is mandatory, the marking and description of technical assemblies is applied. The calculations will be the most complete if the external and structural load schemes are attached, as well as in the presence of a detailed 3D model of the construction object while maintaining an electronic version.
Specialists who have long established themselves in this industry send overlay on dynamic calculations to control organizations. Engineers of the plant of the PPK Green Heldow LLC prepare special presentations that allow us to predict operational precedents. This avoids deformation of the structure, destruction or corrosion of materials.