The balance of income and expenses is the main document of the financial plan of the enterprise, in which the financial results of the entire production and economic activities of the enterprise are reflected. When compiling the balance sheet, all the above calculations are used, the production plan, the calculation of the need for own working capital, certain estimates and calculations on the maintenance of housing and communal services, repairs and capital work, etc. D.
The balance of income and expenses of the enterprise is compiled for the year with the distribution by quarters. The following is the structure of the balance of income and expenses of the enterprise building materials.
From the above list of articles it is clear that the balance, covering all types of income and expenses of the enterprise in the planned year, determines the final result of economic, activities in monetary terms, establishes relations with the budget and a higher organization, t. e. reflects all the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.
The main articles of the revenue of the balance are the sale of products and profit from it. These data are extracted from the corresponding column of the implementation plan. In addition, there may be other sources of income of the enterprise: income from services to customers; depreciation of fixed assets of the enterprise; profit on capital work and savings obtained from a decrease in their value, allocated only to financing capital construction; an increase in stable liabilities, which can only be used to replenish working capital; revenue from the sale of retired property, which can only be used to finance extra -inhemical capital costs, etc.
Income from services to customers are determined by a special estimate: for example, services for loading and transporting finished products produced by the factory at the expense of the buyer, if the selling price is installed by the franco-manufacture manufacturing products.
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