Regardless of what incentive reasons your desire to complete the finishing work inside with your own hands is dictated by you must keep in mind that this will require some aspirations and abilities.
We will try to introduce the established method into your actions, which will make it possible to approach the performance of this work meaning and methodically.
First, check for yourself a very small working volume necessary for the performance of the established task. There is a significant difference whether the finishing work inside the house is done with your own hands for the first time, in the newly built house, or is it the next repair of the premises used. In another version, you will not need to perform all the preparatory work, which certainly preceded by the decoration of the room. By the way, the main page of the construction site will tell in detail about the repair.
The general patterns of the performance of such work must be understandable to you at the same time:
Do not start finishing work inside the house in all rooms at the same time, and do it gradually, moving from the farthest room from the home entrance to the door for the entrance;
When doing work related to plaster, painting, whitewashing, do them in any individual room from top to bottom;
if you are not preparing any planes to process or they are already ready;
Do not be lazy to cover them with newspapers, rags or paper, which are deliberately prepared for this (less after you need to clean it);
Know that you can start facing the premises solely after all work on the process of installing unnecessary partitions and engineering networks are implemented, installing and covering all windows, doors and window sills in the house. To successfully do finishing work inside with your own hands, stock up on the right tool (construction roulette, spatula, plumb line, level, hacksaws for metal and wood, screwdrivers, electric drill, hammer, etc. p.). Before you start working, you need to decide where you will have switches, sockets, wire conclusions for internal lighting sources. After facing, it will be difficult to look for wires.
In order to facilitate the cladding, use drywall structures to develop the correct walls of the walls and ceiling. This technology is the most common and affordable. For this you need to buy a specialized profile for installation simultaneously with drywall sheets. It is also possible to plant drywall sheets on a special glue, but then you will need to make a system of lighthouses by which to check the created surface of the ceiling or wall, and this is more complicated. After the manufacture of the structure made of drywall, the connection between the individual sheets will need to be plastered. Plasting the wall with special putties without the use of gypsum is very difficult and costly due to the costs of materials. Next, make painting the ceiling and walls with a roller, or glue the wallpaper rolls you love.
An additional method of quickly and perfectly finish the ceiling and walls is considered PVC lining with panels. On the one hand, such a panel is a groove in which the spike of the next panel is clicks. The ceiling and walls sewn in this way do not ask for the subsequent decoration with paints, rolls of wallpaper and others. Only at the joints of the ceiling or walls you need to stick with special skirting boards available in a set with similar panels.