Currently, Russian officials are discussing the possibility of canceling 19 percent of import duties for electric cars, which were brought abroad. Planned innovations, as expected, will come into force next year. According to legislators, innovations will affect only electric vehicles that can ensure the release of CO2, equal to zero. And the previous duty will be charged for the imported “hybrids”.
You can find out even more about innovations on the Internet, as well as buy a simulator at a favorable price on the pages of an online store.
Initiatives about such relaxations for electric cars were discussed by parliamentarians last year, but then the project never found support due to the need to give Russia’s auto manufacturers a chance. But this opportunity local developers did not take advantage of. During this period, the only emerging electric car of the El Lada brand was assembled in the amount of 6 copies.
According to estimates, thanks to benefits, it will be possible to reduce the price of electric cars imported into Russia by 20 percent.