The direction of investment should follow the path of the construction of enterprises for the production of economical building materials and factory production designs, house-building plants, the organization of the production of light aggregates, insulating wood and fiber plates, wood-browning stoves, gypsum rolling partitions and pr.; reconstruction of existing brick-ceramic plants for the production of wall panels, reinforced concrete plants for the production of large-sized, the size of a room, tent and wall panels, reinforced concrete supports of contact networks and a number of other new industrial structures and elements. .
The main direction of capital construction in the industry of building materials should ensure the reconstruction of existing factories based on the advanced technology of machine manufacture of elements, parts and units that correspond to progressive techniques for the construction of buildings and structures.
Along with this, in existing plants that are not subject to complete or partial reconstruction, it is necessary to replace manual labor by modernizing the equipment, further automation and mechanization of production processes.
Planning of capital construction in the industry of building materials, as in other sectors of the national economy, begins with the preparation of the erase list of construction projects, the so -called title list.
The volume of capital construction is determined, its direction, estimated value, the increase in fixed assets and production facilities is characterized by an increase in the planned period. To substantiate the need for construction in material resources and labor, the volume of construction and installation works, the cost of equipment and other costs are allocated from the total capital investment. The need for building materials and for labor is planned only for the volume of construction and installation works.
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