The calculation of the number of workers according to the norms of time is made without the distribution of workers in professions and categories. The highest accuracy of the calculation is achieved if it is carried out on workshops or individual redistributions in the order of arranging workers of a certain profession and qualification at workplaces. All these calculations must be clarified and controlled in order to bring them in accordance with the results of calculations according to the main enlarged method of calculating the number of workers of the enterprise.
According to the standards of time, you can determine the required number of production workers for the planned period if they are installed for production by units. The norm of time is expressed in the person/hour. or people/days spent on the unit of product. It should be progressive and completely take into account measures to increase labor productivity planned for the coming period. The complexity of the unit of the product is calculated by summing.
For example, the factory plan provides for: the assignment of storage of cement 6750 tons, aggregates 34500 m3, metal1506 t, for the preparation of concrete25000 m3, reinforcing semi -finished products1506 tons, for forming products25000 m3, for heat processing of products25000 m3, for wiring finished products25000 m3. According to the current standards for the production of 1 m3, the products should be spent: for storage of cement0.07 people/day, aggregates0.05 people/day, metal 0.05 people/day, for the preparation of concrete 0.09 people/day, for the preparation of reinforcing semi -finished products 0 , 32 people/day, for forming products0.45 people/day, for heat treatment of products0.09 people/day, for storage of finished products 0.11 people/day.
To complete the planned task, it is planned to re -fulfill the production standards: in storage of cement by 16%, aggregates by 8%, metal by 7%, preparation of concrete by 10%, preparation of reinforcing semi -finished products by 9%, for molding by 15%, for heat treatment for 13 %, in storage of finished products by 12%.
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