New York, located on the shores of the Atlantic, has a huge tourist potential, attracting many millions of guests annually. Russian tourists who decided to visit the largest city in the United States often organize independent tours. Questions with accommodation in New York allows you to solve the hotel reservation system – on a specialized site you will always find favorable offers that allow reducing the cost of rest.
Not everyone knows that New York, founded by the Dutch in the 17th century, was originally called the new Amsterdam; Only after the British seized the city in 1664, he got his current name. Now New York, numbering about 19 million inhabitants, is one of the largest megacities of the planet. Often, tourists prefer to relax in the city according to pre -compiled programs, allowing you not to miss the most important attractions.
It is difficult to present an independent rest in New York without walking along Broadway-the famous 25-kilometer street, which is known for theaters, vernissages, restaurants and shops. The largest city in the United States is divided into five areas, the most attractive of which Manhattan is considered. On its territory are the American Museum of Natural History, the Museum of Modern Art of Guggenheim and many other museums.
Three kilometers southwest of Manhattan, on the island of Freedom, is a statue of freedom, a symbol of New York and all of America. About 20 kilometers from Nizhny Manhattan is the Kennedy airport hosting flights from Moscow. Supporters of independent relaxation of an independent rest who decided to visit New York can use online booking, they can with the help of the Internet by finding thematic websites.
With Brooklyn, another popular among tourists, the metropolis area, Manhattan connects the Brooklyn bridge, which is among the main attractions of New York. In Brooklyn, travelers are of interest to Rigelman’s promenade, an entertaining park with a huge Wheel of Ferris and Brooklyn Aquarium. Of great interest among the guests of the largest metropolis are caused by the cathedrals of John the Theologian and St. Patrick, the Chinese Grace Cherch.
In New York, there are many Orthodox churches, among them deserves to be noted by the Nikolaev Cathedral, in which the representative office of the Moscow Patriarchate in the United States has opened. This majestic five -domed church was erected in 1903 in the style of Moscow Baroque, particles of the relics of particularly revered saints were sent from Athos to its opening from Athos. Among the connoisseurs of church buildings, the beautiful cathedral of St. Vardan of the Armenian Church, built in 1968, is of interest.
The main New York attractions includes a “museum mile”, which begins near the Hyde Park, a metro museum is located with the largest collection of artwork in the Western Hemisphere. Independent rest in New York involves fascinating shopping. On the fifth Avenue Manhattan are the most fashionable boutiques offering things from the latest collections of famous designers.
Supporters of economical rest abroad prefer to organize travel not for the ocean, but in the countries near Russia. Hungary, Poland and Estonia are popular among many of our compatriots, flights to these countries can be booked on the same thematic sites on which tickets are purchased in the United States. The purchase of inexpensive travel documents can be carried out by early Internet browning.