The first path is more economical, as it requires less capital costs and is overcome in a shorter time. If the construction of the plant is spent on average from three to five years, then the reconstruction of the existing factories is carried out within one to one or half the years. Investments for reconstruction with the full modernization of the current and replacement of obsolete low -performance equipment is 22.5 times less than for new construction.
According to the estimates, there are all opportunities through the reconstruction of existing construction industry plants by 1965. increase the annual 1 rent from 1 m2 of production space by about 3.5 times, and with 1 m3 of steaming chambers by more than five times.
For information, you can cite comparative figures of specific capital investments per unit increase in annual power.
Of course, this does not mean that we should not focus on the construction of factories that produce new effective materials. The problem of the production of building materials and products to satisfy the growing needs of industrial construction should be decided so that the growth of the power of the material and technical construction base is to increase the volume of construction and installation works.
To determine the best areas of development of new construction and technical reconstruction of existing factories based on new equipment and advanced technology is possible, provided that the economic efficiency is calculated from the implementation of these measures. Consequently, the development of issues of the methodology for determining the economic efficiency of the development routes of building materials is of particular importance.
A standard methodology for determining the economic efficiency of capital investments and new equipment in the national economy has recently been developed. It gives answers to very important questions that arise when choosing the most effective options for investment and new equipment and when determining the size of economic efficiency from the introduction of new technology.
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