In the selective method, when the duration of each element is measured directly, the current time is not indicated, the letter T is corrected by P and in both columns, measurements of the duration of the elements are affixed.
If in the process of observation between individual elements of the work there are various non -indestructible time expenses, such as lubrication, cleaning, adjustment, adjustment of the machine, etc. p., Various breaks or downtime, then with a selective timing, these unexpected costs are missed. In a continuous method, this time is recorded in the “breaks” section; The causes of breaks and the measurement number are indicated here, followed by a break or an extraneous element.
Processing of time measurements according to cost elements makes it possible to establish the normal duration of each element of the operation, as well as to study rational methods for performing individual elements.
After determining the duration for each measurement, the average arithmetic is calculated by dividing the amount of all measurements by their number. Then the timing of the timing is cleaned of defective measurements, the duration of which deviates from the arithmetic mean by more than 50%.
If the total number of defective measurements exceeds 25%, the timing of the timing is considered unstable, and observation is inferior. In this case, re -observation is carried out. After that, an improved arithmetic one is calculated by dividing the amount of measurements by their quantity, minus the time and the number of defective measurements.
On the fourth page of the card based on the analysis of the timing, the rational execution of the operation elements is designed and their normal duration is established. When developing the standards of the main and auxiliary work, the observation results are compared with the data of other observations or the established modes of the machine, then the rational conditions for constructing the operation and the duration of its individual elements are planned.
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