Yesterday, representatives of the SRO received an electronic newsletter of the “Union of Construction Free SRO”. It is dedicated to the incident, which the other day happened in North Palmyra. You can briefly outline the essence of the matter. The ceiling collapsed in the building belonging to the St. Petersburg Theater “Buff”. This happened in the non -working period of the day, so there are no victims. But the performances are suspended, the reasons for the emergency are studied by members of the commission, each of which has men’s bags with them.
It is quite obvious that without getting the results of the investigation of details, to blame Mr. Basin with his company is not given possible. Even if so, a special commission will figure it out.
Anonymous attack on SRO
But the opponents of Basin decided to take advantage of the turning up. Conclusions they make the corresponding anonymous mailing, so there is no doubt about its authorship.
Viktorova’s site contains a new horror story. The development of the situation that has arisen with the Buff Theater is presented in such a way that it will be profitable for bassin to pay for the alleged damage from funds belonging to the Mos compensation fund. Time will tell how much it is possible and whether it will be so in reality. Basin will certainly give his explanations, from which it will be possible to find out his opinion on the event.
Independent experts assumed that the attack will not be able to bring any significant dividends to the Viktorov team. Little time and not so serious the event happened.
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