The main advantage of heating boilers working on solid fuel, specialists in this area call the availability and low cost of equipment. Currently, solid-fuel boilers are often used by professionals, counting from the so-called “lifting stick”, since this heating equipment can work even in those places where there is no power line of the gas pipeline and power lines, and heating is necessary. To ensure the process of operating heating boilers operating on solid fuel, wood, brown coke or stone coal are required. It is advisable to lay a metal sheet under the stove. To give it the necessary shape, you can use laser cutting. Laser cutting of sheet metal and stainless steel is offered to the site. The coefficient efficiency of solid fuel combustion is currently slightly lower than that of gas fuel, or in fuel oil. This indicator in a solid fuel boiler is about 70-80 percent, the exception is pyrolysis boilers, the efficiency of which reaches 85 percent.
The plus of solid -fuel heating boilers, in addition to the fact that they combine a lot of positive qualities of work, for example, absolute energy independence, as well as the ability to provide a coolant from the boiler, the temperature regime of which will meet the necessary requirements, there is also the possibility of regulating and maintaining the temperature regime. For this, a special temperature sensor is used, interacting with the damper and tracking the temperature, and doing all this in automatic mode. This process can be described as follows: if the temperature of the coolant rises above the specified values, at this moment the equipment damper is automatically covered, while the combustion slows down. After normalizing the temperature regime, the damper again opens.
Heating boilers working on solid fuel are made of steel or cast iron. All models can be divided into several types depending on the fuel used in them. These are universal devices that can function on various types of fuel, on solid, on liquid and gaseous, as well as classic boilers that can work exclusively on solid fuel.