The construction of large cottages is a very common lesson today. Any person dreams of his own country house, in which warmth and comfort reign, so this type of construction increases its popularity due to the widespread widespread. With a great desire to become a builder of cottages, it is better to trust the solution of this issue to trusted specialists in this matter. During the construction period, there may be a large number of issues that will need to be resolved at a higher professional level. In this case, if you want to become a builder of cottages, it is necessary to read the special literature. Here you can touch the eternal question associated with the skin of the outer walls of your cottage with wooden boards.
There are several methods for lining external walls during the construction of cottages. Here it is recommended to consider only two methods: the lining of the overlap in an upright position and the sheathing when using the rails that are on top of the joints.
Lorcation overwhelming in an upright position. As wooden boards, they sometimes use boards with the surface of the usual or thin spray. The width of such boards can change, but the thickness can often be up to 22 mm. It is worth noting that wide boards can crack much faster, and places will appear on the walls of the cottage from which the decay of wooden boards will begin. Wide boards can bend much faster than narrow. It is recommended to measure the width of the boards no more than 100 mm and 125 mm.
During wall lining, you can use hotly ticked nails that do not have a hat, the length of which can be three times the thickness of the board itself, that is, about 60 mm. It is advisable to nail the upper boards 75 mm with nails so that they properly enter other fasteners. To navigate fasteners, it is necessary to use the same 75 mm nails.
The appearance of such a casing during the process of building cottages must be varyed in a very wide range, while using a different width of wooden boards, which depends on the construction project of the cottage.
In the appearance of the sheathing, overlapping the main factors are considered, first of all, the width of the opening, which is left between the upper boards and other boards, as well as their real ratio with each other. During the use of narrow boards with large openings, it is necessary to form the impression that the cottage can be built exclusively from narrow planks. During the use of wide boards that have narrow openings between the boards, it can be created that the cottage is built of several panels with open joints.
Another method that is used during the construction of cottages is called a skin using rails on top of joints.
When using this method, it is possible to use boards with the surface of a conventional or thin saw as the lower boards. The thickness of such boards sometimes reaches 22 mm. The width of the boards, as you know, can be 100 mm or 125 mm. Very wide boards are usually used, but you need to keep in mind the fact that wide boards are quickly cracking and bend much more often.
As surface wooden boards, you need to use slats that are playing out in a certain size. The thickness of such rails is approximately 18 mm, and the width reaches 40 mm. The back surface of these slats can be spent somewhat roughly, which can provide a very strong grip with the surface of the lower wooden boards. The edges of the rails need to be cut off and the corners are rounded to better hold the paint. The outer surface can often be ordinary or thin sawing, exactly the same as that of vertical boards that are under them.
To achieve maximum quality, we advise you to contact a special company conducting repair and construction of cottages professionally. Having extensive experience and professional workers, they will fulfill your order quickly and efficiently. Yes, and they will give a guarantee.