Linoleum has become known since the middle of the XIX century. This word comes from the Latin “Linum Oleum”, which means linseed oil. Indeed, initially it was produced only from natural materials: linen oil and natural resin, cork or wood flour, colored pigments, jute tissue and other components. It is said that only three companies remain throughout the world that still produce natural linoleum: DLW, Forbo and Sommer. The properties of this flooring are considered unique. Linoleum has bactericidal and antistatic properties, high strength and wear resistance. It is very important that it is environmentally friendly, as it contains completely natural components. But natural linoleum is expensive and is considered elite.
Currently, linoleum means not only a coating that is made of natural materials, all types of PVC are also included here. This is already a synthetic linoleum. Among other flooring, this material occupies one of the first places in popularity, as it is inexpensive, easy to lay and use. Linoleum is hygienic, unpretentious in operation, is not afraid of water, so it is easily washed. It has a noise -absorbing effect, high wear resistance. Of great importance for consumers is its design. Manufacturers produce linoleum of various textures, colors, with a variety of drawings. Thanks to this material on the floor, you can create an imitation of various coatings.
Modern linoleum is thin and durable, produced in the form of rolls. This coating usually serves for many years, so it is widely used in residential premises. Studies have shown that along with all the advantages of linoleum, significant disadvantages are associated with its harmful effects on the human body. Ecologists warn that the main danger to human health comes from those toxic components that are used in the production of linoleum.
Consumers reassure that uniform requirements for the quality of building materials are now formulated, in the production of which certain sanitary and hygienic norms must be observed. Linoleum should not issue a specific smell in the room, all the more distinguish harmful volatile substances during operation. The manufacturers of the latest generation synthetic linoleum give a guarantee that their products are quite safe for health. But it would probably be more correct that the toxic effects of modern linoleums are so insignificant that such a danger can be neglected. To protect yourself and your family from health problems associated with the harmful effects of toxic substances, when buying, you must definitely pay attention to documents that confirm the quality and safety of the flooring.